7. F.I.S.H. "Trust" (Un-Iverse #60)

 Rating: PG-13/R. Nudity and sex take place although you'll be shocked at how understated it is. Still, it's pretty suggestive. I show nearly nothing and suggest nearly everything. Also contains bloody violence / gore and discussions of torture and rape. Also watch out for a cut-off swear and a rude hand gesture. 

Author's Note for F.I.S.H. #7 "Trust" (Un-Iverse #60) 

I think it's a pretty good issue, especially for F.I.S.H.. Volk-Si declining to reveal her orientation to Lance because she was afraid that some cultures on Earth have "honor killings" is the saga at its most political. And I won't apologize for that. 

Next Issue: Lace Doilies #7 "The Canvas And The Letter" (Un-Iverse #61) 

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