33. Gilda And Meek "Dark Child: Part Two: The Pilot" (Un-Iverse #47)

 Rating: PG-13 (Bloody violence, adult themes, mild language)

Author's Note for Gilda And Meek #33 "Dark Child: Part Two: The Pilot" (Un-Iverse #47)

Prediction: If The Un-Iverse happens, the Piranha being transgender will be the most famous and controversial thing about it. It will be the thing it is most remembered for. 

I had a friend sort of ruefully tell me after reading this issue that they wish that Dr. Raggleworth and the Piranha had had a few more scenes together over these past few issues (and this one especially) sort of showing them goofing off together and telling us how much they meant to each other. And I saw what he was saying and I knew what he meant because that's exactly how the rest of fiction would do it. 

My friend and the rest of fiction are wrong. 

You center the issue the major character dies in around the major dying character, you are basically admitting that character is dying soon. A layered goodbye and wrap-up for the narrative means that savvy people will see it coming. Julius' death is tragic because like ALL sudden deaths in real life it comes without warning or even a built-in comfort to the Narrative. 

I take what happens in the story somewhat seriously, but there is some leeway in what I do and do not show, depending on what tickles my funny bone. The thing that is the dealbreaker and the "I take this SERIOUS, man!" line I will not cross is telling the story unrealistically, or having the characters speak and behave unrealistically. And characters having their arcs served up with satisfying closure and wrap-up before they suddenly and "unexpectedly" die is not realistic, and not something I am willing to do. And it saddens me that I'm the only person who sees things this way. But I'm right. And fiction and my friend are wrong. 

A few issues ago, Dr. Raggleworth snarkily asked Gilda what happened to her "hot lawyer outfit". And Gilda promised "I'll wear it to your funeral". So I absolutely made 100% sure she did. Even when she's devastated, Gilda ALWAYS commits to the bit. 

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