8. Gilda And Meek "Enter Tork" (Un-Iverse #8)

Rating: PG-13. (Some bloody violence, language, adult themes, and sexual and drug references.)

Author's Note for Gilda And Meek #8 "Enter Tork" (Un-Iverse #8) 

Enter Tork is far from my favorite of the first 8 issues of Gilda And Meek. To be frank, I think the Piranha's anticlimactic return sucks donkey balls. And this speaking as a writer that disdains unneeded complications in fiction. But there needed to be more pathos and dramatic pay-off than THAT. The thing that kills me, is that was the best return I could conceive of at the time. Nowadays I coulda spiced things up like THAT. Honestly, if I ever do another "redo" of a poor issue the way I made the Special Edition for "Groundwork", this specific issue would be the next in line just so I could punch up the Piranha's reunion with the group. It's because of that I don't think it's currently all that great an issue. 

That being said, I do have to give it credit for something. Out of the first 8 issues, it contains my favorite moment. And the reason I love the moment is because it feels to me like the first perfectly Un-Iverse moment, as in the kind of thing you could only find in this franchise, and the kind of thing only I would write. But when the Narrator points out Gilda hears Bernadette calling her cool, and informs us she doesn't tease her about that later on, or give her the business, or even let her know she was there, the thing that cinches that as the first True Un-Iverse scene ever is the Narrator's reasoning: "Because Gilda is cool." Damn it! Why doesn't the rest of genre allow cool heroes to permit their antagonists who are slowly coming around the slightest measure of grace instead of obnoxiously teasing them for their kind words like a first grader? The scene is great and unique because it suggests scenes like it shouldn't actually be unusual when it comes to heroes the reader is supposed to find cool. And you'll find every taunting schoolboy hero's assholishness on the subject of their rivals saying nice things completely wanting in comparison. Part of the reason I'm telling The Un-Iverse is because I want to burn cliched genre to the motherfucking ground! That moment is the first Molotov cocktail I've lit and thrown at it and it won't be the last. Gilda's dignity here might just piss you off when you realize you were previously entitled to nice things, and professional writers who get paid to make grown characters act like toddlers denied you that nice thing for no damn good reason at all. This is The Un-Iverse's opening salvo against badly written genre. It will not be the last. 

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