3. Gilda And Meek "Don't Logic Santa" (Un-Iverse #3)

Rating: Hard PG-13. Sensitive and age appropriate ideas about the nature of Santa Claus, adult themes, inappropriate humor, smoking, drinking, and brief bloody violence. Kids probably shouldn't read this one. 

Author's Note for Gilda And Meek #3 "Don't Logic Santa" (Un-Iverse #3) 

I will argue that the third issue EVER of Gilda And Meek is one of the most subversive issues of the entire 90 issue saga. It is a delicate balancing act to get kids reading to sort of be aware that parents aren't always looking out for their best interests, and often lie to them for no reason, without outright saying Santa doesn't exist. Santa's belief in his absolute necessity to Christmas being such that he disdains kids asking him common-sense questions also blurs the line from being an allegory for parents who reinforce the Santa Claus myth and preachers who do the same thing when it comes to God and Jesus. 

I am not strictly speaking an atheist. I'm more of an agnostic. But this specific issue takes a harder stance against religious fundamentalism than Vic Puff's arc ever could. What's amazing is the light touch I use to do it. It's a balancing act, and the fact that I believe I walked it fine makes this one of the most subversive stories in the entire canon. And it's freaking issue three! 

The artwork may still be REALLY shaky but this is the first issue I'm not embarrassed of it. The timing of the explosion in the climax for example is a turning point for the story and the artwork. It's rough as hell but it totally works. 

 Copyright Matt Zimmer and UnComix 2017-2020.  All Rights Reserved.


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