21. Gilda And Meek "The Apple" (Un-Iverse #33)

Rating: PG-13. Bloody violence and gore, depiction of torture, nudity, mild language, adult themes, and sexual innuendo.

Author's Note for Gilda And Meek #21 "The Apple" (Un-Iverse #33) 

As of issue 33 this was the best issue so far. That's my opinion. It remains one of my very favorites of all time. It's certainly my pick for the best single issue. Some parts of upcoming multiparters are stronger. But of the Gilda And Meek issues without a "Part / Step _" in the title, it's the best. Also, it weirdly turned out to be the absolute LAST single issue of Gilda And Meek. It's all multiparters going forward until the end. 

In your head you understood the likelihood of Evil Gilda being a thing back in the day. Actually seeing it fucks you up. It fucked me up for sure. Big time. 

I love that there is no adventure this issue and the drama surrounds a conversation that the group talks out instead of leaving in a huff. Like a group of adults should. There is no tension as to whether the group will break ties with Gilda. They won't. Because they talked it out like grown-ups. And I was very conscious to only make the Piranha defending Gilda being the thing that gets everyone else to back off. Bernadette isn't wasting any of her capital on Gilda but the Piranha has basically stored a motherlode of the stuff, and him only using a minute bit actually stems the tide. Weird how that works. 

This is the inauguration of the Famous Un-Iverse Talky Issue. Basically a well above average issue where the main drama is an interesting conversation. Other upcoming issues in this genre include "Late Night Conversations And Other Equally Important Occurrences" and "Eddie Explains It All." 

We don't explore much of the dynamic between Gilda and her brothers in the saga itself (it will be touched on a little bit in the sequel The Supplements). But a dying Gilda's last words suggesting Mitch tell Ted she's embarrassed of him, simply because she knows he'd get a kick out of that being her dying declaration gives us a hint of it anyways (even if Ted himself doesn't appear). 

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