
6. F.I.S.H. "Druth Hunt" (Un-Iverse #58)

Rating: PG-13: Bloody violence, adult themes, mild language, cartoon profanity, rude humor, brief nudity.  Author's Note for F.I.S.H. #6 "Druth Hunt" (Un-Iverse #58)  Zalia's stuff at the shoe store is fun but I like Zalia more than Lance and the crew do.  I don't remember exactly WHEN I created the Vengeful eXens but the Narrator's bit about accusing me of creating an entire world and Universe in service of a bad X-Files joke and pun is accurate. It's why Zalia is a Druthane and why the racial slur against them is Druth. I can't tell if the fact that I've had that idea for over 20 years is impressive or shameful.  Sometimes I write myself into an artistic corner, and invariably the solution turns out better than the problem itself suggested. There are NO actual mistakes in this franchise. The Un-Iverse provides and always does. In the script I thoughtlessly gave myself an impossible artwork task without realizing it. Worse, this specific impossibl

Coming Soon to The Un-Iverse! (Potential Spoilers!)

New feature on this site! After every script I complete, I'll give you a brief preview synopsis of what's coming! Here are the upcoming Un-Iverse Scripts currently "In The Can" that I will be drawing soon! Beware potential spoilers!  Coming soon to the site!  F.I.S.H. #10 "Deep Space Swine" (Un-Iverse #66)  The mass murder of Lance and his entire crew is gently and politely planned by the kindest and sweetest Hologram possible. A Hologram that reveals darker truths about both Lance's crew and their continuing mission failures. The final issue of F.I.S.H. is both short and feels shockingly unfinished. Don't worry... We'll get better answers in both "The Dark Child Saga: The Fall Of F.I.S.H." and "The Terran Wars".  Lace Doilies #10 "Death Time" (Un-Iverse #67)  The heroes are being forced to cut ties with everyone in their formers lives. Otterman warily asks Bernadette how awful she plans to make their final goodbye a